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Link to Us at Country Willow Graphics

Please highlight the text, and copy the code to your page. Then please Contact Us with the location of our text link on your site, the text or banner link you would like us to use to link back to you, and your URL. We will get your site listed ASAP, and then let you know where your link is located on our site.
If you are using any of my graphics, you must provide a link back to this site, so you are welcome to grab this handy chunk of code.
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If you prefer to use a logo, please help yourself to one of mine, thanks !

Country Business :: Craft :: Internet Graphics
Monday - Friday 9am-5pm
© Country Willow Graphics
All images, graphics, articles, and site design are COPYRIGHTED and are the property of Country Willow Graphics.
Your downloading or purchase of my art work and images is a legal agreement to the terms of use described on this website.